Make your list with ease.

Add an item by voice or by typing.
Share your list in real time.


Share your list in real time.

SacolinhaList toolbar

Click on the share icon (highlighted with a circle) to start the share.

Moderate mode

Owner's view - Accept the user to the moderate group

Click on the accept user icon (highlighted with a circle) to accept the user in the list. The user will receive a notification, he can join from it. He can also participate through the share link that was shared with him before.

Private mode

The list owner won't receive any "request to join the list" notification. The user simply clicks on the link and already can join the list. No more action needed.

Add users to the private group

Non-owner's view


Backup all your lists.


Restore your backup by reinstalling the application or installing on a new device.

Duplicate a list

You may want to duplicate a repetitious list.

Dark Theme

The App uses a Dark Theme when the user has it activated on Android.

How much do you want to spend?

Set an alert for how much you want to spend.

Two graphical interface modes on list details

Compact, or with more item information (quantity, price, total spent).